Třetí věk » Třetí věk za školou » Angličtina » 22.4.2020


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Úkol pro skupinu AJ 1

Budoucí čas (will) pro vyjadřování spontánních rozhodnutí. Přeložte:

  • 1. Je pozdě. Myslím, že půjdu do postele.
  • 2. Mám žízeň. Myslím, že si dám něco k pití.
  • 3. Mám hlad. Myslím, že půjdu ven a koupím si něco k jídlu.
  • 4. Necítim se dobře. Myslím, že si půjdu lehnout.
  • 5. John má narozeniny. Myslím, že mu dnes večer zavolám.
  • 6. Jsem unavený. Myslím, že zůstanu doma.
  • 7. Nudím se. Myslím, že půjdu na procházku.
  • 8. Smrdím. Myslím, že se vykoupu.
  • 9. Tohle pivo je vynikající. Myslím, že si objednám další.
  • 10. Je zima. Myslím, že zapnu topení.



Úkol pro skupinu AJ 2

Z následujících písmen vytvořte co nejvíce slov. Každé z písmen můžete v jednom slově použít max. 2x. A žádné podvádění se slovníkem či snad dokonce těmi internety. Všechno vidím!

  • J,O, R, D, E, B, A, K, I, F, M, W, C, L



Úkol pro skupinu AJ 3

Doplňte do textu správné sloveso ve správném tvaru a přeložte.

base, create, design (2x), discover, invent, name, use, write

Text-messaging was ............... by the Finnish company Nokia. They wanted to help Finnish teenagers, who were very shy. They found it easier to text their friends than to phone them.

The first bikini was ............. by two Frenchmen. It was .............. after Bikini Atoll, the island where the atomic bomb was first tested. The Frenchmen thought that the bikini would have a similar effect on men as a bomb exploding.

Light bulbs are ............... specially to last only a certain number of hours. It would be possible to make light bulbs lasted forever, but then the manufacturers wouldn't make so much money.

The first Harry Potter book was ............... in a café in Edinburgh. JK Rowling was unemployed , and she didn't have enough money to pay for heating, so she wrote it in the café where it was warmer.

Although penicilin was ................ by Alexander Fleming, he didn't know how to make it into a medicine. It was first made into a medicine ten years later, by an Australian scientist Howard Florey.

Spiders were ............... as a cure for toothache in the 17th century. They were first made into a paste, and than put on the bad tooth.

Sherlock Holmes, the great detective was .................. by writer Arthur Conan Doyle. Homles was ............... on a real person - Doyle's teacher at medical school, who was famous for saying to his students, "What can you tell me by just observing the patient?"



Úkol pro skupinu AJ 4

Nepřímé otázky a věty typově jim blízké. Přeložte a dbejte na slovosled a časovou souslednost.

  • 1. Neví, kdy je ten večírek. (On)
  • 2. Řekni mi, kdy bychom měli odejít.
  • 3. Víš, kdy byla bitva u Hastingsu?
  • 4. Můžete mi říct, kdy odjíždí příští vlak?
  • 5. Prosím tě, zeptej se ho, dokdy to potřebuje?
  • 6. Můžeš mi říct, kde bydlí? (Ona)
  • 7. Víte, kde to je?
  • 8. Zeptej se, kde to našel.
  • 9. Zeptala se nás, kde je přeprodej lístků.
  • 10. Taxikář se nás zeptal, kam cheme jet.



Úkol pro skupinu AJ 5

Quiz: Is there enough food for everyone?

Vyberte z nabídky jednu správnou odpověď.

1. How many people in the world go hungry each day?

  • a) 8 million
  • b) 80 million
  • c) more than 800 million


2. The world produces enough food for everyone to have 2,500 calories a day. That's 150 more than the basic minimum.

  • a) true
  • b) false


3. In developing countries,, how many children die every year from preventable and treatable causes?

  • a) 6 million
  • b) 16 million
  • c) 25 million


4. Hunger is worse in rular areas among native people in Latin America than in the cities.

  • a) true
  • b) false


5. Where is found the largest number of poor and hungry people?

  • a) In Africa
  • b) In Asia
  • c) In Latin America


6. In Tanzania, over a three-year period, a community-based nutrition program has cut severe malnutrition in half.

  • a) true
  • b) false


7. If everyone in the world lived as the richest 20 percent do, people would use 10 times as much fossil fuels and 200 times as many minerals.

  • a) true
  • b) false


8. Which developing country has increased its per capita food consumption (in terms of calories per day) and has its wealth distributed relatively equally, but is criticized in the international cummunity for its lack of respect for human rights?

  • a) China
  • b) Brazil
  • c) India


9. A baby born in Shanghai, China now has better chance of surviving its first year than one born in New York City.

  • a) true
  • b) false


10. If farmers around the world would add synthetic fertilizer to their land, they could produce more food.

  • a) true
  • b) false